Источники питания AC/DC Traco Power серия TMPS 05

  • от 2 696 руб.
  • Производитель: Traco Power
  • Модель: TMPS 05
Модель Цена На складе, шт Количество
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The TMPS-05 series comprises ultra compact AC/DC power supply modules in lightweight fully encapsulated plastic casing for PCB mount. Beside the safety approvals for industrial and IT solutions, they are also certified to IEC/EN 60335-1 for household appliance. These 5 Watt modules are the ideal solution for low power or segregated circuits when space is critical or for an efficient powering of a standby mode when compliance to ErP directive is required. A peak current of 130% facilitates the activation of main circuits.


  • PCB Power module in 1" x 1" package
  • Certified to IEC/EN 60335-1 for household appliance
  • No load input power <300 mW to comply with ErP directive
  • Operating temperature range –25°C to +70°C
  • EMI meets EN 55022 class B and EN 55014-1
  • Protection class II prepared
  • 3-year product warranty

Модельный ряд

МодельМощностьВходВыходКраткое описание
TMPS 05-1035 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC3.3 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1055 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC5 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1095 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC9 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1125 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC12 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1155 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC15 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1245 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC24 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount
TMPS 05-1485 W85-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC48 VDC5 Watt AC/DC modules, industrial/household, 85-264 VAC input, Ultra compact size 1"x1", 3000 VAC I/O-isolation, encapsulated, PCB mount

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