Источники питания AC/DC Traco Power серия TXH

  • от 16 843 руб.
  • Производитель: Traco Power
  • Модель: TXH
Модель Цена На складе, шт Количество
TXH 120-112 16 843 руб. по запросу
TXH 120-124 16 843 руб. по запросу
TXH 120-148 16 843 руб. по запросу
TXH 240-112 21 634 руб. по запросу
TXH 240-124 21 634 руб. по запросу
TXH 240-148 21 634 руб. по запросу
TXH 360-112 34 853 руб. по запросу
TXH 360-124 по запросу по запросу
TXH 360-148 по запросу по запросу
TXH 480-112 50 512 руб. по запросу
TXH 480-124 50 512 руб. по запросу
TXH 480-148 по запросу по запросу

The TXH series is a family of power supplies in metal enclosure, designed for a wide range of cost critical applications. The very high efficiency of up to 93% admits of a compact design with free air convection cooling for the 120 and 240 Watt models. The units are equipped with screw terminal blocks and are easy to install in any equipment. These power supplies have universal input and comply with European EMC standards and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD).terminal block connection, they are easy to install in any equipment. There are 40 models with single output voltages from 3.3 VDC to 48 VDC in 9 power ranges from 15 W to 320 W. These power supplies have universal input and comply with European EMC standards and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD).


  • Compact U-bracket and enclosed power supplies
  • Screw terminal block
  • Very high efficiency up to 93 %
  • No internal fan for 120 W & 240 W models.
  • Universal input 90 – 264 VAC
  • Adjustable output voltage
  • EMI/EMC compliance with EN 61000-6-3 and EN 61000-6-1
  • Compliance to EN 61000-3-2 (PFC)
  • Short circuit and overvoltage protection

Модельный ряд

МодельМощностьВходВыходКраткое описание
TXH 120-112120 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC12 VDC
(11.4-13.2 VDC)
120 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 120-124120 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC24 VDC
(22.8-26.4 VDC)
120 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 120-148120 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC48 VDC
(45.6-52 VDC)
120 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 240-112240 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC12 VDC
(11.4-12.6 VDC)
240 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 240-124240 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC24 VDC
(22.8-25.2 VDC)
240 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 240-148240 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC48 VDC
(45.6-50.4 VDC)
240 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 360-112360 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC12 VDC
(10.8-13.2 VDC)
360 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 360-124360 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC24 VDC
(21.6-26.4 VDC)
360 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 360-148360 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC48 VDC
(44-51 VDC)
360 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 480-112480 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC12 VDC
(10.8-13.2 VDC)
480 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 480-124480 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC24 VDC
(21.6-26.4 VDC)
480 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style
TXH 480-148480 W90-264 VAC / 120-370 VDC48 VDC
(43.2-50.4 VDC)
480 Watt AC/DC, industrial, 85-264 VAC input, 3000 VAC isolation, encased, chassis mount, U-Bracket metal case style

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