Источники питания AC/DC Traco Power серия TSP-WR

  • от 43 120 руб.
  • Производитель: Traco Power
  • Модель: TSP-WR
Модель Цена На складе, шт Количество
TSP 180-124 WR 43 120 руб. по запросу
TSP 360-124 WR 68 154 руб. по запросу
TSP 600-124 WR по запросу по запросу

The successful TSP series of high performance DIN-rail mount power supplies has been expanded with models featuring wide input ranges of 85-132 / 187-264 / 323-550 VAC. With these input ranges the power supplies can be used in almost all single- and multi phase power networks worldwide.


  • For global use with single- and two phase wide-range input 100/230–500 VAC
  • Rugged metal case for harsh industrial environments
  • Industrial operating temperature range: –25°C to +70°C
  • Power OK signal
  • Remote On/Off
  • Shock and vibration-proof
  • Indefinite short circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature protection
  • Redundancy module
  • Buffer module for power backup
  • Battery controller module

Модельный ряд

МодельМощностьВходВыходКраткое описание
TSP 180-124 WR180 W85-132 and 187-550 VAC24 VDC
(24-28 VDC)
180 Watt AC/DC power supply, industrial, with single- and two phase wide-range input 100/230–500 VAC, rugged metal case, DIN-Rail
TSP 360-124 WR360 W85-132 and 187-550 VAC24 VDC
(24-28 VDC)
360 Watt AC/DC power supply, industrial, with single- and two phase wide-range input 100/230–500 VAC, rugged metal case, DIN-Rail
TSP 600-124 WR600 W85-132 and 187-550 VAC24 VDC
(24-28 VDC)
600 Watt AC/DC power supply, industrial, with single- and two phase wide-range input 100/230–500 VAC, rugged metal case, DIN-Rail

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