Конвертеры DC/DC Traco Power серия TEQ 100WIR

  • от 67 039 руб.
  • Производитель: Traco Power
  • Модель: TEQ 100WIR
Модель Цена На складе, шт Количество
TEQ 100-2412WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-2415WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-2416WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-2418WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-4812WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-4815WIR 67 039 руб. по запросу
TEQ 100-4816WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-4818WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-7212WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-7215WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-7216WIR по запросу по запросу
TEQ 100-7218WIR по запросу по запросу

The TEQ 100WIR Series is a family of isolated high performance DC/DC converter modules with ultra-wide 4:1 input voltage ranges which come in a rugged, sealed metal case.
These converters are suitable for a wide range of applications, but the product is designed particularly also for industrial applications where often no PCB mounting is possible but the module has to be mounted on a chassis. A very high efficiency and the overall heatsink construction allows an operating temperature up to +85°C with natural convection cooling without power derating and up to +95°C with power derating. Further features include output voltage trimming, Remote On/Off and under voltage lockout. The ultra wide input voltage range and reverse input voltage protection make these converters also an interesting solution for battery operated systems.


  • High power block with excellent thermal convection
  • Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C without derating
  • Increased shock & vibration resistance
  • Ultra wide 4:1 input voltage range
  • EN 50155 approval for railway applications
  • Excellent efficiency up to 90%
  • Input filter meet EN 55022, class A
  • I/O isolation 1591 VAC
  • Under voltage lock-out circuit
  • Soft start

Модельный ряд

МодельМощностьВходВыходКраткое описание
TEQ 100-2412WIR100 W10-36 VDC12 VDC
(9.6-13.2 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-2415WIR100 W10-36 VDC24 VDC
(19.2-26.4 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-2416WIR100 W10-36 VDC28 VDC
(22.4-30.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-2418WIR100 W10-36 VDC48 VDC
(38.4-52.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-4812WIR100 W19-75 VDC12 VDC
(9.6-13.2 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-4815WIR100 W19-75 VDC24 VDC
(19.2-26.4 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-4816WIR100 W19-75 VDC28 VDC
(22.4-30.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-4818WIR100 W19-75 VDC48 VDC
(38.4-52.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-7212WIR100 W43-160 VDC12 VDC
(9.6-13.2 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-7215WIR100 W43-160 VDC24 VDC
(19.2-26.4 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-7216WIR100 W43-160 VDC28 VDC
(22.4-30.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block
TEQ 100-7218WIR100 W43-160 VDC48 VDC
(38.4-52.8 VDC)
100 Watt DC/DC module, railway, 4:1 input, Chassis mount, Rugged design, increased shock and vibration resistance, with EMI Filter, encapsulated, high power block

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